Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Kind Words...

Here's a nice 'review' of the Aurora Orchestra Insomnia film we shot last week, from our new friend John Terauds at musicaltoronto.org   Chuffed with that :)

And this is what he's talking about..

Monday, 11 March 2013

New Animation Online

Agnitio have just launched their smart new site, that includes an animation we have been working on with them for the last few weeks.  Link is at the top of their page...

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


Filming around Waterloo the other evening in ARCTIC conditions.  Well, I was suffering from a savage man-flu strain so that's what it felt like...

We are putting a promo together for Aurora Orchestra's upcoming event, Insomnia, on 23rd March at St. Luke's.  We followed tenor Allan Clayton around in a dream-like semi-waking state, attempting to convey the strangeness that comes with a lack of sleep.  It was a good opportunity to grab some dreamy images and generally do some farting around with the camera in the shadows.

Allan was lovely, and extremely brave to enter a particularly scary underpass from which some unearthly animal-like noises were emanating...!  It was a really fun shoot.